Citicoline (CDP-choline) has been shown to increase mental alertness, focus and concentration. Along with improved learning and memory. It also helps to speed-up energy metabolism. In addition, it can also assist in rapid weight loss by removing harmful fats from the body. This powerful brain chemical 'citicoline', (also referred to as CDP-choline, or choline) is an organic … [Read more...]
Does Acetyl-L-Carnitine Work For Fat Loss? Supplement Analysis
Acetyl-l-carnitine (ALCAR - ALC) is an amino acid that’s been widely used as a fat loss and energy supplement for a number of years... and it’s even been used as a nootropic: But how does Acetyl-l-carnitine work exactly? And can it really be used for fat loss? Long story short, Acetyl-l-carnitine works by sending more fats into the mitochondria. The mitochondria is what … [Read more...]
What to Eat Before a Workout: Performance and Recovery
Making sure you have the right nutrients in your body prior to exercise can make a big difference in the way you perform. You'll feel stronger with extended performance, along with improved recovery. As science is now beginning to highlight... what we eat seriously impacts exercise performance, such as how we can recover and perform, including our flexibility. One study … [Read more...]
Breakfast Ideas For Athletes: Quick and Easy Recipes
Eating a nutritious breakfast can set your day on the right path, from an increase in performance to enhanced muscle building and extended focus throughout the day - among other benefits which you'll discover in this article. You may have heard it once or twice, the aged old saying 'breakfast is the most important meal of the day'. This may, … [Read more...]